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First Days with a Puppy

Your first concern when you get a puppy is to teach him to be tidy. Thus as soon as you arrive at home, take him to a place in the garden assigned for the dog toilet. Stay here until get what you are waiting from him. Praise him immediately with a gentle and smooth voice. One should take the puppy during the first time to this place right after feeding and sleeping and also in case if he suddenly lowers his nose and starts circling on your carpet. If nevertheless the trouble takes place at the moment you are in house, express your displeasure with a loud "Leave!" Yet never rub his nose in a puddle or a pile. After the first lesson of tidiness take the dog inside the house. Here you should give him the opportunity to acquaint with new environment calmly and freely. Refrain from inviting friends in first days, he'll get used to new environment in a narrow family circle better. So many new impressions will be enough of him to get tired. Carry him to berth. For their development a puppy as well as a young dog needs long time for sleeping, therefore don't wake him up if you only have a desire to play with him. If you are going to keep your dog in an aviary, carry him to his kennel at first signs of tiredness. Put a piece of cloth you took from the dog-breeder or in which you carried the puppy home for the initial time he's being without sibling. This will somewhat smooth his loneliness. Nevertheless you should be ready that confused by new environment he will express his sorrow with a loud whine. On no account give way to sympathy, stay firm and don't take the cub in the bedroom, or else next nights he'll try to achieve this aim. If he doesn't stop, you'll have to leave your warm bed for several times and try to relieve his nostalgia by consoling and striking him. You may try to turn on the middle volume on the radio, probably then he won't feel himself so lost.

Along with a feeding scheme you should have got a usual food for the puppy at least for first days. A mere stress, caused by change of environment is quite enough to upset stomach. If in addition to this the puppy starts getting unusual food the diarrhea is very possible. For this case you must keep Polypepham or, for example, Levomycetin in readiness.