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Ear care

In summer one might examine dog's ears every day if there are no ticks or foreign objects (prickle, sand). In other time of year it is enough to conduct the examination once a week, of cause if a dog doesn't show evident signs of discomfort: shakes his head, scratches his ear. One should regularly remove earwax and dirt out from an auricle. The procedure of cleaning is as follows: make a tampon of gauze or cotton wool, plunge it into a stirred up vegetable oil or olive oil. Wipe the inner surface of auricle. If the ear is very dirty, work it up with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

To clean the ear duct one may use a thin wooden stick, wrapped in cotton wool. Plunge the stick in a hydrogen peroxide solution. Work only on a visible area. Don't get deep into the ear in order to avoid damaging of an eardrum.

There must not be any dark-brown egesta or unpleasant smell in a healthy ear. If a dog scratches his ear, shakes his head or keeps it bent or if a thick brown egesta accumulate inside the ear and the inside of ear produces a squelch when you squeeze the ear at the base, then an urgent assistance of veterinarian is needed.

Injuries and scratching may cause hematoma in auricle. In this case a surgical operation will be necessary. If one doesn't take care of ears, the decomposition of earwax may evoke inflammation of the ear duct and as a result a dog will become deaf. In winter by touchning dog's ears one may determine if his dog is frozen. Dog's ears should be warm.