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Pero de presa canario (canary dog)
Standard SCC

Pero de presa canario (canary dog) Origin & Purpose
Originated from the Canary Islands of Tnerlfe and Gran Canarias. Used in the past as a fighting dog. Recently used as a guard, defense, and cattle guard dog.

General Appearance
A medium sized; straight profile; well proportioned with a rough look in all; Back is longer than the height to withers, particularly in the bitches. Sturdy, squared, wide head, slight gill.

Specially doted for guarding and defense, with an impetuous temperament; powerful and aggressive; skillful fighter with a deep, powerful bark. Behaves well with family and is very aggressive with strangers.

Size: Height at withers: dogs range from 59-64cm; bitches from 55-59cm. If the animal is correctly proportioned, it may exceed given standard. Weight ranges from 42-50kg for dogs; bitches range from 38-45kg.

Coat & Color
Coat & Short coat in all its extension; rather tight at the tail. Color ? Brindle from rather dark to light gray, fawn or red. White mark at the neck or chest is permissible, preferably as small as possible. Mask is dark from the muzzle to the eyes.


Skull :Sturdy and massive, with a proportion skull?face of 6-4. Well marked, though not deep stop. Mouth muscled very well developed and noticeable. Occiput crest slightly marked.
Muzzle: In proportion to skull.
Nose: Truffle are wide, strongly pigmented black, very well open nostrils.
Mouth: Upper flew usually hanging forming an inverted "V'; mucosa dark although there may be some pink, which is not preferred. Teeth have a very strong base and a slight undershot Jaw will be permitted; absence of premolar teeth will not be considered a fault. Canines are strong. lined up and separated.
Eyes: Slightly oval, well separated with black eyelids; eyes of medium to dark color depending on the coat.
Ears: Set high; rose ears when not cropped: when cropped should be in a triangular, straight shape.

Robust, sturdy, very muscular, rather short with a medium gill and a length of 18 ? 20cm.

Forequarters: Straight with strong bone and a strong, visible muscle. Shoulders strong, muscled and with a vertical forearm. Elbows not too tight to the brisket nor too open. Forefeet should be "catfeet', slightly smaller than the hind.

BODY: Length should surpass height to the withers at about 10 to 12%; backline is straight or slightly falling towards the hips.

Chest is wide and ample; well descending toward the brisket perimeter and should be at least 1/4 than total height to the withers. The fact that the height at the vlthers is equal to that at the hips is not to be considered a fault, and at the funks should only be slightly marked.

Hindquarters: Powerful. with very muscled stifle and no deviation at the hocks. Catfeet; hind feet larger than the fore. "Spurs" permitted, but not preferred. Rear angulation should not be too obvious.

Gait: A rhythmical trot giving the sense of purpose and power.

Tail: Inserted high, flexible and stronger at the root; will reach to the hock. When in motion tail will form a sabre without curling over the back.

Faults: Excessive wrinkles; presence of "spurs".

Serious faults: Excessively long flews; scarce pigmentation at the muzzle; excessively undershot jaw; excessively underweight; poor mask; deviated fore or hind quarters. Curled, amputated, or equal diameter from the top to the end of the tail. Head without correct skull and face proportion.

Disqualification's: Monorchid, cryptorchid. castrated males. White marks over 40 % of total coat. Enogmnatism and total lack of pigmentation over the muzzle, or mucosa.