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Little Lion Dog
Standard FCI N 233 (11.09.95)

Little Lion Dog ORIGIN : France.
UTILIZATION : Companion.
FCI'S CLASSIFICATION : Group 9 Companions and Toys
Section 1.3 Bichons and related breeds
Without Working Trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Intelligent, affectionate small dog of lively character which embodies in itself the characteristics of a companion dog. The coat is clipped in the traditional poodle style, the tail being completely clipped except for a plume at the end, so that the silhouette resembles that of a small lion.

HEAD : Short; fairly broad skull.
Nose : Black, well placed and in extension of the nasal bridge.
Eyes : Round, large, with intelligent expression, dark colour.
Ears : Pendant, long and well-fringed.
BODY : Short and well-proportioned.
Tail : Moderately long, clipped apart from the tuft in the shape of a plume at the end.

LEGS : Straight, slender.
Feet : Small and round.

Hair : Fairly long and wavy, but not curly.
Colour : All colours are permitted, may be single coloured or spotted, except brow coats (chocolate, liver) and all derivatives of this colour.

Height at withers 25 - 32 cm
Weight : 4 - 8 kg.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Head : Too long; insufficiently broad skull.
Nose : Spotty pigmentation, any colour other than black; upturned foreface (nose pointing upwards).
Eyes : Small, almond-shaped, bulging, light-coloured eyes; unsteady gaze or malicious expression.
Ears : Too short, insufficient or no fringes.
Body : Too long, lacking harmony or solidity.
Tail : Too long, too short.
Legs : Turned-out or bowed legs.
Feet : Flat, long or splayed.
Coat : Too short, curly or straight.
Dogs not clipped in accordance with the standard are to be excluded from judging.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.