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Jack russell terrier
Standard AKC 339

Jack russell terrier GENERAL APPEARANCE: A strong, active, lithe working Terrier of great character with flexible body of medium length. His smart movement matches his keen expression. Tail docking is optional and the coat may be smooth, rough or broken.

CHARACTERISTICS: A lively, alert and active Terrier with a keen intelligent expression.

Temperament: Bold and fearless, friendly but quietly confident.

Head and Skull: The skull should be flat and of moderate width gradually decreasing in width to the eyes and tapering to a wide muzzle with very strong jaws. There should be as well defined stop but not over pronounced. The length from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than from the stop to the occiput with the cheek muscles well developed. The nose should be black.

Eyes: Small dark and with keen expression. MUST not be prominent and eyelids should fit closely. The eyelid rims should be pigmented black. Almond shape.

Ears: Button or dropped of good texture and great mobility.

Mouth: Deep wide and powerful jaws with tight-fitting pigmented lips and strong teeth closing to a scissor bite.

Neck: Strong and clean allowing head to be carried with poise.

Forequarters: Shoulders well sloped back and not heavily loaded with muscle. Forelegs straight in bone from the shoulder to the toes whether viewed from the front or the side and with sufficient length of upper arm to ensure elbows are set under the body, with sternum clearly in front of shoulder blades.

Body: Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance and the brisket located at the height mid-way between the ground and the withers. The body should be proportioned marginally longer than tall, measuring slightly longer from the withers to the root of the tail than from the withers to the ground. Back level. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cm to 43 cm. The loins should be short, strong and deeply muscled.

Hindquarters: Strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the shoulder, hind legs parallel when viewed from behind while in free standing position. Stifles well angulated and hocks low set.

Feet: Round, hard, padded, not large, toes moderately arched, turned neither in or out.

Tail: May droop at rest. When moving should be erect and if docked the tip should be on the same level as ears.

Gait/Movement: True, free and springy.

Coat: May be smooth, broken or rough. Must be weather-proof, preferably unaltered.

Colour: White MUST predominate with black, tan or brown markings.

Size: Ideal is 25 cm (10") to 30 cm (12") in height with the weight in kgs being equivalent of 1 kg to each 5 cm in height, ie a 25 cm high dog should weigh approximately 5 kgs and a 30 cm high dog should weigh 6 kgs.

Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. However, the following weaknesses should be particularly penalised:

(a) Lack of true Terrier characteristics.

(b) Lack of balance, ie over exaggeration of any points.

(c) Sluggish or unsound movement.

(d) Faulty mouth.

Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.