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Irish water spaniel
Standard FCI N 124

Irish water spaniel CHARACTERISTICS: The gait, peculiar to the breed, differs from that of any other variety of Spaniel.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: The Irish Water Spaniel is a gundog bred for work in all types of shooting and particularly suited for wild-fowling. His fitness for this purpose should be evident in his appearance; he is a strongly built, compact dog, intelligent, enduring and eager.

Head and Skull: The head should be of good size. The skull high in dome, of good length and width sufficient to allow adequate brain capacity. The muzzle long, strong and somewhat square with a gradual stop. The face should be smooth and the skull covered with long curls in the form of a pronounced top knot growing in a well-defined peak to a point between the eyes. Nose large and well developed, dark liver colour. Withal there should be an impression of fineness.

Eyes: Comparatively small, medium to dark-brown colour, bright and alert.

Ears: Very long and lobe-shaped in the leather, low set, hanging close to the cheeks and covered with long twisted curls of live hair.

Mouth: The jaws should be strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e., the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.

Neck: Strongly set into the shoulders, powerful, arching and long enough to carry the head well above the level of the back. The back and sides of the neck should be covered with curls similar to those on the body. The throat should be smooth, the smooth hair forming a V-shaped patch from the back of the lower jaw to the breast bone.

Forequarters: The shoulders should be powerful and sloping. The chest deep and of large girth with ribs so well sprung behind the shoulders as to give a barrel-shaped appearance to the body but with normal width and curvature between the forelegs. The forelegs should be well boned and straight, with arms well let down and carrying the forearm at elbow and knee in a straight line with the point of the shoulder.

Body: Should be of good size. The back short, broad and level, strongly coupled to the hindquarters. The ribs carried well back. The loins deep and wide. The body as a whole being so proportioned as to give a barrel-shaped appearance accentuated by the springing of the ribs.

Hindquarters: Powerful with long well-bent stifles and hocks set low.

Feet: Should be large and somewhat round and spreading; well-covered with hair over and between the toes.

Tail: Peculiar to the breed, should be short and straight, thick at the root and tapering to a fine point. It should be low set, carried straight and below the level of the back; and in length should not reach the hock joint. 7.6 to 10.1 centimetres (3 to 4 in) of the tail at the root should be covered by close curls which stop abruptly, the remainder should be bare or covered by straight fine hairs.

Coat: Should be composed of dense, tight, crisp ringlets free from woolliness. The hair should have a natural oiliness. The forelegs covered with feather in curls or ringlets down to the feet. The feather should be abundant all round, though shorter in front so as only to give a rough appearance. Below the hocks the hindlegs should be smooth in front, but feathered behind down to the feet.

Colour: A rich, dark liver having the purplish tint or bloom peculiar to the breed and sometimes referred to as puce-liver.

Weight and Size:

Height to the Shoulders:
Dogs: About 53 - 59 cm (21 - 23 in)
Bitches: About 51 - 56 cm (20- 22 in).

Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.