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German Spitz (Mittel)
Standard FCI N 97

German Spitz GENERAL APPEARANCE: Compact, short coupled and well knit with an almost square outline. Firm condition, the profuse coat not disguising any lack of substance.

CHARACTERISTICS: The German Spitz is intelligent, active and alert. Its buoyancy, independence and devotion to the family are the breed characteristics.

Temperament: Happy, equable disposition, showing confidence, with no sign of nervousness or aggression.

Head and Skull: Medium large, broad in skull when viewed from above and narrowing in a wedge shape to the nose. Seen in profile a moderate stop is noticeable; muzzle not too long, in proportion to the head but never snipey. Flews tight, no trace of lippiness.

Nose: Black in black, white, black/white parti-colours, black/tan bi-colours, self-colour as compatible with coat colour in other colour varieties. Never parti colour or pink.

Eyes: Medium size, oval shaped and obliquely set. Not too wide apart. Always dark with black rims in blacks, whites black/white parti-colours, black/tan bi-colours. As dark as compatible with coat colour in other colour varieties.

Ears: Small, triangular and set rather high. Perfectly erect.

Mouth: A perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, ie upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Black lips in black, white, black/white in parti-colours, black/tan bi-colours. Colour as compatible with coat colour on other colour varieties.

Neck: Clean, moderately short and well set into the shoulders.

Forequarters: Legs straight with length in proportion to a well balanced frame.

Body: Loins moderately short, body compact. Chest fairly deep and not too wide in front. Well ribbed up and rounded. Level topline. Moderate tuck-up at loins.

Hindquarters: Moderate angulation with hocks moderately well let down. Neither cow hocked nor wide behind. Rear dew claws removed if they occur, removal of front dew claws optional.

Feet: Small, rounded, cat like, with well arched toes.

Tail: High set, curled right up from root, lying curled over back.

Gait/Movement: Moving straight, cleanly and briskly, with good drive. The action covering plenty of ground.

Coat: Double coat consisting of a soft woolly undercoat and a long harsh-textured perfectly straight top coat covering the whole of the body. Very abundant around neck and forequarters with a frill of profuse off-standing straight hair extending over the shoulders. Forelimbs feathered tapering from elbows to pasterns. Hindlimbs feathered to hocks. Ears covered with soft short hair. Hair on the face smooth and short. Tail profusely covered with long spreading hair. This is not a trimmed breed and evidence of trimming and shaping, other than tidying of the feet, anal area and legs below the hocks, unacceptable.

Colour: All colour varieties and marking acceptable .

Size: 29 cm - 35.5 cm (11.5 - 14 in). Dogs preferably larger than bitches.

Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.