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Hungarian vizsla
Standard FCI N 57 (1966)

Hungarian vizsla Note: This standard was translated into English in July 1966 by the FCI. and has been edited with reference to French and German versions by Mrs Ann Mitchell,
Words contained in normal brackets (....) are as in the original.
Words contained in square brackets [....] are alternative translations or explanations..
Country of Origin: Hungary.

BRIEF HISTORICAL REVIEW - It was bred in the 18th century from the ancient Hungarian Foxhound and the yellow coloured Turkish hunting dog. It appeared in its present form in the 19th century when it was improved by breeding with more foreign gundogs.

GENERAL APPEARANCE - It is a medium sized gundog; gentle, of noble appearance, lean muscled, with a fine boned frame, steely sinews and dry limbs. It is lively and has great intelligence. Its coat is short, dark and sandy coloured.

CHARACTERISTICS - It has an excellent nose [excellent scenting powers]. It is quiet as it holds game at bay. It works readily even on damp ground. It is a many purpose hunting dog.

TEMPERAMENT - It is intelligent, docile [easily trained], quiet but also lively. It is affectionate. It accepts guidance well. It is obedient but sensitive to bad treatment.

HEAD AND SKULL - The head is lean and noble. The occiput is moderate. The skull is broad and is slightly domed; strongly sinewed; with slight median line; when relaxed the forehead is smooth. The eye-arches are moderately developed. The stop is moderate. The frontal part of the muzzle ends bluntly in every direction, and does not become pointed. The bridge of the nose is straight and forms an angle of 30 - 35 degrees with the crown of the head. The nose is well developed and broad, the nostrils wide. The jaw bone and the mandible are strongly developed. The lips are moderate, dry and do not hang down over the mouth.

EYES - The eyes are neither deeply set nor protruding. The expression is lively and sensible. The eyelids fit tightly around the eye so that neither the white of the eye nor the conjunctiva can be seen. The colour of the eye is always a darker colour than the coat. Windhover [a bird of prey], fish-like or black eyes are not allowed.

EARS - The ears are set at medium height. They are covered with a thin skin and are not fleshy. They are pendant and have a rounded V-shape, longer than medium.

MOUTH - A standard set of teeth with scissor bite.

NECK - is of medium length, moderate arch and sinewy. It has no dewlaps on the neck.

FOREQUARTERS - The shoulder blades are quite firmly attached to the body, richly muscled and sloping. The elbows are in line with the body, turning neither in nor out. The forearms are long, the wrists large and the pasterns short.

BODY - The withers are distinct and long; the back is straight, short and well muscled. The loin is moderately long, firm, broad and sinewy; it does not form a flank. The croup is straight but not horizontal; it is well muscled. The forechest [prosternum] protrudes, is moderately broad and very muscular. The chest is deep and long, not barrelled; the ribs are moderately arched. The belly is slightly tucked up. The area between the false ribs and the hipbones is somewhat hollowed.

HINDQUARTERS - The hind limbs are a little open-angled [a little more than 90 degrees] and stretched when standing. The bones and the thighs are long. The stifle joint forms an angle of 110 - 120 degrees. The hocks are set low.

Front feet: Round and closed. The pads are full and resilient. Nails are short, well developed and darker than the coat colour. Dew-claws are regarded as a fault.
Hind Feet: Well closed. Pads are firm and resilient.

TAIL - The tail is set a little low and is of moderate thickness. It is preferably docked leaving only two-thirds of its whole length so that it reaches the popliteal space [the hollow at the back of the knee/ of the ham]. While moving it remains horizontal.

GAIT/MOVEMENT - Is lively, graceful and elegant. Its classic gait accentuates the perfect formation of the type.

COAT - The skin is tight and without wrinkles. The edges of the mouth and of the eyelids are pigmented and dark brown colour. The hair is short, straight, coarse, thick, fitting to the body and shiny. It is very resistant to adverse weather.

COLOUR - Dark sandy, without markings.

SIZE - Height at the withers, measured with a stick is: Males 57 - 64 cm [22.5 - 25 ins]
Females 53 - 60 cm. [21 - 23.5 ins]
The relative measurements of the parts of the body are in proportion to that of the height at the withers:
Length of the body 100% [Height = length]
Depth of the chest 44% [of the height]
Breadth of the chest 33% ""
Girth 117% ""
Length of the head 42% ""
Length of the muzzle = 46% of length of the head
Length of the ear is up to 76% of length of the head.
Weight: 22 - 30 kgs. [49 - 66 lbs]

Over-refined or loose build Weak bone structure.
Too small or too large. Coarse head like that of a Bloodhound. Loose eyelids. Hanging lips.
Deficient set of teeth.
Thin hair. Badly docked or curling tail.

Not typical.
Hanging, open eyelid. Pendant, slobbering lips.
Spotted or black nose.
Undershot. Overshot more than 2mm.
Mixed colours. Cream or brown coloured.
White patches, mark on the chest exceeding 5 cms.
White feet.
Height Males Less than 56 cm and more than 65 cms [22 & 25 1/2 ins]
Females Less than 52 cms and more than 62 cms [20 1/2 & 24 1/2 ins]

NOTE: Male animals must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum