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Teaching a Puppy to Be Tidy

Start teaching the puppy to be tidy from the first day he enters your house. A normal healthy puppy usually urinates after waking up, after feeding and also physical exercises. So right after he wakes up, or takes meal, or finishes his play, carry the puppy outdoors or at the balcony for 5-7 minutes. Act in the same way when you notice the puppy is about having a seat or worries or starts circling fuzzily and sniffs something in the corners and near the door. If it is somewhat difficult to carry the puppy outdoors often to let him satisfy his natural necessities one may act as follows. Cover a part of floor in the room with newspapers. At the moment when the puppy is going to have a seat, carry him on the papers and hold gently until the puppy urinates. After that you should praise and strike him. Remove dirty papers, but leave a little wet piece. Next time the smell will attract the puppy. If he makes a mistake and urinates in some other place, wash the puddle with warm water and then - with a vinegar, ammonium chloride or manganese solution. These substances delete the odor and help avoid darkening of the floor coverage. It needs just few days to teach a puppy to urinate on newspapers. When he gets used to this, cover only a little part of floor with papers. Rather than putting papers the floor you may put them in a wooden or a metal pallet filled with sand, which should be changed as soon as it, gets dirty.

Russian National Club "Berner Sennenhunde"