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What cat to choose

All cat-fanciers are divided into two parts: those who like Persian cats, and those who like other breeds. One is able to understand fanciers of pug-nosed Persians - how beautiful are these fluffy clouds, how different are their colorings!

Persians are even-tempered and majestic, real kings of cat world. However they require a proper treatment - their hair (up to 15 inch long) needs everyday combing. Persian cat care is very difficult; there are special shampoos, powder, and hairbrushes... The main is not to neglect a cat. At this, your efforts will be estimated at their true worth. Well-groomed Persian cat always excites admiration!

Skillful Americans have raised a new breed: "Persian for lazy people", so-called "exotics". These are the cats of the same type as Persian, with round muzzle, short nose, big round eyes, but with short plush hair. Exotics have the same colorings as Persians.

Our domestic, Russian breed - Siberians - is especially for fanciers of "natural beauty". These cats are big, elegant, with thick hair, that doesn't need such care as delicate Persian's yet. Siberians have very different colorings - marmoreal and striped patterns are typical. Siberians are faithful to their master and self-esteemed.

"Plush bears" - cats of Britain shorthaired breed - have gained a great popularity recently in our country. These are stocky, mighty cats with short, thick hair and big round eyes. They have nice and funny "toy-like" look. But nevertheless Britains are very aristocratic at all points. Restrained in feelings they possess calm temper and good health. Colorings are various: form usual blue to color-point (Siamese spots).

Russian blue cats have nothing in common with Russia by their origin. Best animals of this breed in Russia have Holland or English origin. Nevertheless they are popular among cat-fanciers because of their appearance - light-blue, almost silver short hair, elegant form of head and unique look of green eyes. Russian blue are very active, curious and playful.

"A cat with soul of dog", "Mewing sculpture", "Cat ballet dancer" - what epithets have fanciers of Exotic breeds not heard about their pets! This group includes Siamese, Orientals and their "fluffy" collogues - Balinese and Mandarins. Oriental cats are always "super" - they are super-elegant, super-tender, intelligent, smart, talkative and communicative... Males are kind lovers and loving fathers; females are most devoted wives and the most careful mothers. Oriental cats like to talk, and like when people talk to them. They hate loneliness and will follow you everywhere and put in their "mew" in your chats. Their mind and devotedness to people conquer every heart, and the variety of colorings and ballet-like movements satisfy the most delicate taste.

We have talked about the most popular breeds of cats.

But what if you have and ordinary Pussy? My first domestic male-cat has spent 18 years with me and still stays the most beautiful and affectionate. Both a kitten saved by your own and a titled champion, are waiting for only one thing - care, attention and love. Let's love all cats!

Translated by Tatiana Karpova (Moscow)
(MSU, Biology faculture, Dep. zoology and ecology).