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How does cat attack and and protect?

Playing kittens seldom wound one another, although their fights seem furious, as the instinct does not allow them to show theirs claws.

Even the adult animals usually fight for fun, in spite of visual evidences of a opposite - torn ears, for example. The cats almost always warn about attack and at first try to influence psychologically: conduct demonstration of force and exchange menacing and conciliative signs, which lasts so long as one of the adversaries would not give in. Two cats can stand for some minutes; incinerate one another by sights, before one of them moves. Stand on end fur and sticking out tail, due to which cat seems larger and looks more threatening, are signs of fear and are remained in a former position for some time after danger passed.

Arching back expresses both offensive and defensive signals. The widely open eyes, open mouth and laid back ears, are considered by zoologists as signs of defense, while intense paws and sticking out tail symbolize aggression. The back part of a trunk is advanced forward for attack; forepart is displaced back or remains on place, that is why a back curves. Hissing and spits is a caution, and loud explosive sounds, which cat is able to make, can muddle, for example, bully dog and gives cat a possibility to escape, while dog comes to himself. . Cat can suddenly attack to grab an attention of a large enemy, it is not an intention to cause serious damage, but an attempt to confuse an enemy, than escapes, while he is in embarrassment. Cat would not attack until she is driven in corner. It has been doubtful that you will have ever seen a cat starting fight, if it isn't a game. If it is impossible to avoid the real fight, cat attacks, showing her claws on forelegs (which are very sharp and can inflict a deep scratch) and biting, when it is possible to come closer to an enemy. Bites are rear in cat's fights, unless the opponent is stronger. Loosing cat usually takes up a defensive position, falling on a spin to beat back from the opponent by all four paws with showed claws. Especially she tries to make damage with the help of strong hind legs.

The same way she acts against people. At first plaintive cheep, if she doesn't like your actions; then - symbolic scratch, then - serious scratch or bite to escape, while you coming to yourselves. If the situation seems rather dangerous, cat make off fast and hide in a reliable refuge, from witch she hisses on you angrily. It is hardly sensible to start single combat with your cat by bare hands. She can hurt you. But as usual cat tries to do no harm to friends. Showed out claws while she climb on your coat, are taken away immediately, when the cat is on a thin shirt or jacket. Soft ёusions on paws make cat's movements quiet - a great blessing for the hunter, - but not so quiet, that they were not heard by other cats. And claws of eastern cats are not taken away completely, as do cats of other breeds, and make clear chattering sound when she walks on a firm surface.