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Somali The Somali is a breathtaking cat to behold. It bears an uncanny resemblance to a little fox, with its large ears, masked face, full ruff and bushy tail. The Somali's wild, feral look is what immediately draws fascinated attention. Somalis are intelligent cats, and while active, they have soft voices and are usually quiet. They communicate with human family members through soft mews and possess a charming trill. They are extroverts and very social. Possessed with a zest for life, they love to play, solicit nuzzles and pats, and thrive on human companionship.

Somalis have bursts of energy several times a day, at which time they will take off through the house, jumping into the air. They toss balls and toys in the air, fetch them back and begin the game anew. Tail and back arched, the Somali will run sideways like a monkey, and even hold objects and food the way a monkey does. Adept at opening cupboards and drawers, Somalis sometimes hide inside their secret areas. Many Somalis can manipulate faucets, and they love to play with water.

Somalis are well-proportioned, medium to large cats with firm muscular development. Their body is medium long and graceful, with a medium-length soft and silky coat that requires little grooming. The coat is usually one to three inches long, with shorter fur across the shoulders. The tail is fluffy and full; their feet have tufts between the toes. Their large, almond shaped eyes range in color from intense green to rich copper. The Somali has an agouti, or ticked, coat with four to twenty bands of color on each hair. The ticked fur mantles the cat with harmonizing solid color on its underside.

They come in four recognized colors: ruddy, red, blue and fawn. Somalis have small litters of three to four kittens, which develop slowly. They reach their full size at about eighteen months of age.

Pricing on Somalis usually depends on each individual kitten's bloodlines, type and applicable markings. Many breeders allow pickup of new kittens between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. At the age of sixteen weeks, kittens have had basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability to adjust to a new environment. Four months also conforms to the minimum age for showing and transport by air. If a breeder offers you an older kitten or adult cat, don't hesitate; they can be a welcome addition to a home where proper behavior and good manners are needed upon arrival! Keeping your cat indoors and neutering or spaying are essential elements for maintaining a healthy companion, and most importantly will extend the life expectancy of your cat.

by Karen Talbert
Copyright 1995-2000 The Cat Fanciers' Association

CFA Breed Standard
Updated: May 26 1999

A black line denotes an updated section.


HEAD (25)
Skull ........... 6
Muzzle .......... 6
Ears ............ 7
Eye shape ...... 6

BODY (25)
Torso ........... 10
Legs and feet ... 10
Tail ........... 5

COAT (20)
Texture ......... 10
Length .......... 10

COLOR (30)
Color ........... 10
Markings ........ 5
Ticking ......... 10
Eye color ....... 5

GENERAL: the overall impression of the Somali is that of a well proportioned medium to large cat, firm muscular development, lithe, showing an alert, lively interest in all surroundings, with an even disposition and easy to handle. The cat is to give the appearance of activity, sound health, and general vigor.

HEAD: a modified, slightly rounded wedge without flat planes; the brow, cheek, and profile lines all showing a gentle contour. A slight rise from the bridge of the nose to the forehead, which should be of good size with width between the ears flowing into the arched neck without a break.

MUZZLE: shall follow gentle contours in conformity with the skull, as viewed from the front profile. Chin shall be full, neither undershot nor overshot, having a rounded appearance. The muzzle shall not be sharply pointed and there shall be no evidence of snippiness, foxiness, or whisker pinch. Allowance to be made for jowls in adult males.

EARS: large, alert, moderately pointed, broad, and cupped at the base. Ear set on a line towards the rear of the skull. The inner ear shall have horizontal tufts that reach nearly to the other side of the ear; tufts desirable.

EYES: almond shaped, large, brilliant, and expressive. Skull aperture neither round nor oriental. Eyes accented by dark lidskin encircled by light colored area. Above each a short dark vertical pencil stroke with a dark pencil line continuing from the upper lid towards the ear.

BODY: torso medium long, lithe, and graceful, showing well-developed muscular strength. Rib cage is rounded; back is slightly arched giving the appearance of a cat about to spring; flank level with no tuck up. Conformation strikes a medium between the extremes of cobby and svelte lengthy types.

LEGS and FEET: legs in proportion to torso; feet oval and compact. When standing, the Somali gives the impression of being nimble and quick. Toes: five in front and four in back.

TAIL: having a full brush, thick at the base, and slightly tapering. Length in balance with torso.

COAT: texture very soft to the touch, extremely fine and double coated. The more dense the coat, the better. Length: a medium length coat, except over shoulders, where a slightly shorter length is permitted. Preference is to be given to a cat with ruff and breeches, giving a full-coated appearance to the cat.

PENALIZE: color faults D cold grey or sandy tone to coat color; mottling or speckling on unticked areas. Pattern faults D necklaces, leg bars, tabby stripes, or bars on body; lack of desired markings on head and tail. Black roots on body.

DISQUALIFY: white locket or groin spot or white anywhere on body other than on the upper throat, chin, or nostril area. Any skeletal abnormality. Wrong color paw pads or nose leather. Any other colors than the four accepted colors. Unbroken necklace. Incorrect number of toes. Kinks in tail.


COAT COLOR: warm and glowing. Ticking: distinct and even, with dark colored bands contrasting with lighter colored bands on the hair shafts. Undercoat color clear and bright to the skin. Deeper color shades desired, however, intensity of ticking not to be sacrificed for depth of color. Preference given to cats UNMARKED on the undersides, chest, and legs; tail without rings. Markings: darker shading along spine continuing through tip of tail; darker shading up the hocks, shading allowed at the point of the elbow; dark lines extending from eyes and brows, cheekbone shading, dots and shading on whisker pads are desirable enhancements, eyes accentuated by fine dark line, encircled by light colored area. Eye color: gold or green, the more richness and depth of color the better.

RUDDY: ground color burnt-sienna, ticked with various shades of darker brown or black; the extreme outer tip to be the darkest. Tail tipped with black. The underside and inside of legs to be a tint to harmonize with the ground color. Nose leather: tile red. Paw pads: black or dark brown, with black between toes, extending slightly beyond the paws.

RED: ground color rich, warm glowing red, ticked with chocolate-brown, the extreme outer tip to be darkest. Tail tipped with chocolate-brown. The underside and inside of legs to be a tint to harmonize with the ground color. Nose leather: rosy pink. Paw pads: pink, with chocolate-brown between toes, extending slightly beyond the paws.

BLUE: ground color warm beige, ticked with slate blue, the extreme outer tip to be the darkest. Tail tipped with slate blue. The underside and inside of legs to be a tint to harmonize with the ground color. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: mauve, with slate blue between toes, extending slightly beyond the paws.

FAWN: ground color warm rose-beige, ticked with light cocoa-brown, the extreme outer tip to be the darkest. Tail tipped with light cocoa-brown. The underside and inside of legs to be a tint to harmonize with the ground color. Nose leather: salmon. Paw Pads: pink with light cocoa-brown between the toes, extending slightly beyond the paws.

(PLEASE NOTE: the Somali is extremely slow in showing mature ticking and allowances should be made for kittens and young cats.)

The following information is for reference purposes only, and not an official part of the CFA Show Standard.


Ruddy ......................... 1380 1381
Red ........................... 1382 1383
Blue .......................... 1384 1385
Fawn .......................... 1386 1387
AOV ........................... 1398 1399

* Somali allowable outcross breeds: Abyssinian.