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Shar Pei
Standard FCI N 309 (25.01.94)

Shar Pei, Tipikal Men ORIGIN : China (Dialack-Canton). Patronage : Hong Kong.
UTILIZATION : Hunting and watchdog.
FCI'S CLASSIFICATION : Group 2 : (Pinscher and Schnauzer Type-Molossian Type and Swiss cattledogs)
Section 2.1: Molossian Type
Without Working Trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Shar Pei, a Chinese hunting and watchdog, has been known in China for the last two hundred years. The breed originates from a region near Guangzhou (Canton) called Dialack. -Prior to the middle of 1960, there were sufficient numbers of the traditional type Shar Pei in Hong Kong. They were bred mainly by the working class Chinese and used for fighting. At a later stage, a number of the game-men agreed to abandon their fighting activities and began exhibiting the dogs in the show ring.-By the 1970's some dog-traders started cross-breeding and inbreeding to produce the "heavy wrinkles".-Hong Kong is the first and only place of origin where the Shar Pei is shipped to other parts of the world, therefore the Hong Kong Kennel Club wish to protect and promote this breed.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Strong, compact. Shar Pei means "Sand Skin". The Skin must be tough and rough, while the coat must be short and bristly. Tight wrinkles over the body at puppy stage. In the adult dog pronounced wrinkles are only allowed over the forehead and withers.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS : Length of the body from breastbone to rump nearly equal to the height at withers; bitches can have a slightly longer body. Length of the muzzle nearly equal to the length of the skull.

BEHAVIOUR - TEMPERAMENT : Active and agile. Calm, independent, loyal and affectionate to people.


CRANIAL REGION : The skull is round and big at the base, but flat and broad at the forehead.
Stop : Moderate.
Wrinkles : Wrinkles on the forehead must be apparent but must not obstruct the eyes. The Chinese description of the head is "Wo Lo Tau", meaning "Calabash" shaped head. The wrinkles on the forehead form a marking which resembles the Chinese Symbol for Longevity. This is essential to the breed, because the marking of Longevity also appears in the large cat family such as tigers and lions. In dogs only in the mastiff breed.

Nose : Large, wide. Black colour preferred, lighter colour permissible in lighter coloured dogs.
Muzzle : Moderate in length, broad from the eyes but narrowing slightly towards the nose.
Mouth : Bluish-black tongue and gum preferred, pink or spotted only permissible in lighter coloured dogs, for example light fawn or cream. Jaws strong. The shape of the mouth when viewed from top should either be in the shape of a roundish roof tile commonly known as "Roof Tile Mouth" or with a wide jaw in the shape of a toad's mouth, known as "Toad Mouth". Both types of mouth are designed to give the dog a firm bite.
Teeth : Perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Eyes : Medium sized, almond shaped. As dark as possible. Light colour eyes are undesirable. Function of eyeball or lid in no way disturbed by surrounding skin, folds and hair. Any sign of irritation of eyeball, conjunctiva or eyelids highly undesirable.
Ears : Small, thick, equilaterally triangular in shape, slightly rounded at tips. Tips pointing towards eyes and folded to the skull. Wide apart and close to skull. Erect and standing ears are permissible but less desirable.

NECK : Strong, muscular, with slightly loose skin around the throat. The loose skin should not be excessive.

BODY : Excessive skin around the body in adultes is most undesirable.
Withers : Slight fold of skin on withers.
Back : Very strong and straight, with very strong back bone.
Chest : Broad and deep.
Tail : There are several types of tail. The most common are the curl, and double ring; this can be a big or a small curl. The tail must be firm and tightly over the hip.


FOREQUARTERS : Shoulders muscular, well laid and sloping. Forelegs moderate length, slightly longer than depth of body. Good bone. Pasterns slightly sloping, strong and flexible.

HINDQUARTERS : Strong and muscular. Moderately angulated. Hocks well let down.

FEET: Moderate size, compact, well padded, toes well knuckled.

GAIT (MOVEMENT) : Free and balanced, vigorous.


HAIR : Short, hard, bristly and as straight as possible. No undercoat. Length must not be over 2,5 cm (1 inch) long. Never trimmed.

COLOUR : Solid colours black, blue black, black with a hint of rust brown, red, fawn. Cream is acceptable, but less desirable.

SIZE AT WITHERS : 19-23 inches
WEIGHT : 40-65 lbs

If a dog is not well up to this size and weight, it should not be heavily penalized. It must be understood that the traditional Shar Pei has lost it's size since 1949. The Cantonese prefer the larger size dog, which they call "High Head Big Horse". The size therefore should reach 23 inches at withers and bitches slightly smaller. Over 23 inches is not desirable in fear of cross-breeding.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Head : Excessively heavy head and jowls.
Mouth : Over large mouth or over padding lips, which can interfere with the dogs bite while used for hunting game.
Teeth : Overshot or undershot mouth.
Eyes : Entropium, ectropium.
Ears : Large ears that flow down side of head and do not point to eyes.
Body : Low set saddle, arched back.
Excessive wrinkles on body, forequarters and hindquarters of adult dogs.
Tail : Dropped tail.
Feet : Splayed feet.
Coat : Coat over 1 inch long.
Colour : Mixed colour of black and tan, spotted body. Brindle is not acceptable; this colour will indicate cross-breeding.

NOTE : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.