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Brussels Griffon
Standard FCI N 80 (15.06.94)

Brussels Griffon ORIGIN : Belgium
FCI's CLASSIFICATION : Group 9 Companions and toys
Section 3 Small Belgian Dogs
Without Working Trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : A lady's small dog, intelligent, lively, sturdy, stocky, cob-like, with a smart carriage and structure, captivating attention by its almost human expression.

COAT : (Hair) reddish brown (ginger), a little black on the moustache and the chin is tolerated; hair must be harsh, wiry, semi-long and dense.

HEAD : Broad and round, well domed forehead, must be covered with harsh and wiry hair, a little longer around the eyes, the nose, the cheeks and the chin, forming furnishings.

EARS : Really erect, always cropped pointed.

EYE : Very big, black, round, eyelashes long and black, edges of eyelids black, eyes must be well set apart and prominent.

NOSE : Always really black, excessively short, nose large, stop well defined.

LIPS : Edged in black.

CHIN : Prominent and large, extending beyond the upper jaw.

JAW : The incisors of the bottom jaw must protrude thouse of the upper jaw.

CHEST : Quite wide and deep.

LEGS : Straight, vertical, parallel and of medium length.

FEET : Short, round and compact, pads black.

NAILS : Black.

TAIL : Raised, docked to about one-thirds.

A. For the class of dogs and bitches of small size the weight must not be more than 3 kg.
B. For the dogs and bitches of large size, i.e. weighing more than 3 kg, the weight shall not be more than 4,5 kg for the dogs and 5 kg for bitches.

These weights constitute an aboslute maximum, however, there is a tolerance and scope of 100 gr.

FAULTS : Silky tuft on the head; light or small eyes; brown nails; teeth and tongue apparent; toes joined on one or more feet.

DISQUALIFICATIONS : Brown or pale nose, patches of white hairs, hanging tongue, light coloured nails, upper jaw protruding over lower jaw, patella luxation. Lame dogs, for whichever cause, completely blind or deaf, and castrated dogs shall not be given awards.


a) Head 40 points
Forehead................... 8 points
Nose and stop.............. 10 points
Eye........................ 8 points
Chin....................... 8 points
Jaws....................... 4 points
Ears....................... 2 points
40 points

b) Coat 25 points
Colour.................... 13 points
Harshness................. 12 points
------------- 25 points

c) Confirmation 35 points
Body & appearance.........10 points
Legs......................15 points
Feet....................... 5 points
Gait....................... 5 points
35 points

Total 100 points

N.B. : Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.