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What if a cat gets burn?

Animals often get burns. They may happen as a result of thermal, chemical or electric (a current rush) impact. There's the danger to underestimate the extent of thermal burn in case of cat for it differs from that in humans to some extent. Bubbles typical for skin burns in humans may not appear on the skin of cat. In the area of burn the hair remains attached to skin but if it is easy to separate when pulled out, that means that the burn is hard and serious.

First aid in case of thermal burn is as follows: put a cold water or ice compress. One may apply an emollient bactericidal medication. Deep and wide burns require urgent veterinary aid. In any case an animal should be taken to a vet during 24 hours, because in case of cats it is difficult to determine the degree of affection.

Young cats that like to bite electric wiring while playing get often exposed to current rush. This may lead to strong affection of skin as well as edema of lungs. After you have noticed the fact of affection the cat that was exposed to such burns should be immediately taken to a vet. Asphyxia or cough may be the evidence of edema that has already started. In case of serious affection, cat tongue and gums become blue. If a cat that was exposed to a current rush loses consciousness and doesn't breathe, apply an artificial respiration. If after the electric shock there are no general symptoms of disease, then in several days one may expect mortifying of burnt area of skin on the muzzle of animal. At this point a veterinary observation is necessary.

Translated by Tatiana Karpova (Moscow)
(MSU, Biology faculture, Dep. zoology and ecology).