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A cat doesn't say that something hurts, but a careful master will always understand that something's wrong with his pet. Even the beginner knows that in the case of strong asthmatic fit or persistant bleeding one needs to take a cat to a vet. But there are other not so prominent symptoms indicating some serious indispositions. If cat behavior seems to be unusual and there's a fear about it's health it's better to contact your veterinary straght away. Here the most frequent symptoms of diseases signaling one should show his pussy to a vet:

1. Urination disorders and change in water consumption. Any disorders of urination indicate your cat has deseased kidneys or there's something wrong with a urinary bladder. Sometimes a cat begins to ignore persistently it's chamber-pot, and angry master thinking it does this to spite him doesn't take any measures. However such bad actions may be stimulated by that a cat feels strong pain during urination and it's uncomfortable for her to do this thing in chamber-pot especially if sides of chamber-pot are high. Pain, along with often urination is a symptom of cat cystitis or some other urinary tract disorders. If you have noticed that your cat has begun to urinate more often, see a vet immediately. Thirst and over-use of water is often a symptom of kidney disorder or diabetes. It is a very dangerous disease.

2. Change in appetite. Owners who keep aged cats become very satisfied when their pets suddenly start gobbling food, and consider a good appetite the index of cheerfulness and health. Yet, if such irrepressible desire for food is accompanied by emaciation and loss of weight one shound take his cat to a vet without fail. Hyperthyreosis is probable. On the contrary, if the cats declines to eat during 36 hours it's better to call a veterinary, even if it looks quite healthy.

3. Cough, sneezing, difficult breath. If you've suddenly noticed the cat caughs in the morning, or after active games it suffers short breath or it begins sniffing and sneezing without any apparent reason then there's a cause for concern because all this is the symptom of dangerous disorders of respiratory tract or cardiovascular system. Rapid and superficial breathing as well as deep, with asmatic fits points at respiratory disorsders. And if cat palate and tongue have changed its color and become clue-gray, then throw all your work down and immediately take a cat to a banian hospital.

4. Vomit. There's nothing bad if a cat eructates a ball of hair, which it swallows while licking it's fur, or indigested pieces of polyethylene bag with which it regales itself while you were out. But if vomiting repeats frequently and a cat looks unhealthy, show it to a vet. Recurring vomiting is an apparent sigh of disorder in intestines and stomach. Your cat may have serious metabolic disease, which may lead to development of hyperthyreosis, kidney and liver diseases. Allergic reaction on a certain kind of food is also probable. In any case one should see a veterinary.

5. Over-salivation is a symptom of most serious diseases. It may be caused by liver disorder, inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth (stomatitis), toothache or poisoning with some chemicals. Abundant salivation is one of symptoms of rabies, and though many cats dribble when exited or after have eaten something bitter, it's necessary to contact a veterinary at least to determine that your cat is alright.

6. Swallowing of foreigh matter, medicines and toxic substances. If you've found out that the cat has eaten your pill don't console yourself with thought that if this is inoffensive for me than there'll be no harm for a cat. Many human medicines are dangerous for cats. This concerns for most cleaners, colors and dissolvents as well. It's better keep these dangerous substances away from cats.

7. Changes in behavior: unusual langour, depression or aggression. If your fluffy prankster hides under a sofa or lies in a pillow limply, or your proud hermit follows you everywhere trying to jump on your knees, rather call a vet than admire - What has happened to him? Cat seekness may be followed with fits of aggressiveness. If your tender and gentle kitty suddenly begins to bite and scratch your hand this doesn't mean he's got rabbies, most likely he is ill. The excessive weekness and drowse is unually accompanied with a rise of temperature. If a cat's temperature've rosen up to 40 Celsius high one should take measures immediately: take a cat to a hospital or send for a vet. The same should be done if the temperature gets under 38 C high.

8. Intensive itch, shadding. If a cat scratches and licks itself all the time show it to a vet. It's very probable to have fleas or itch-mites. Ringworm (it's transmitted to human as well!) also rause an itch. An ordinary allergy on a certain kind of food may cause such an intensive itch that a cat may injure itself, scratching with a paw claws out. Naturally it's better not to drive things so far. If cat hair begins to come out continually, take this into consideration but don't give way to dispare - call the docter first: many cats who's diligent masters brush them thousand times a day ultimately begin to graw bold.

9. Diarrhea, constipation, alternation of stool frequency. If a cat defecates more rarely or frequently then unually, if it has troubles or feels pain during purging, if it doesn't defecate in it's chamber-box and the excrements are friable or watery, take it to a vet with out fail- don't put this off. Your cat is probable to be infected with internal parasites (in case if there're is no white warms in its' excrement this doesn't mean there's none in its' stomach), but worms is not the only reason of alimentary disorders. Foten changes in a diet cause diarrhea. In this case it's better return to its' customary food. However if there's no immediate improvement but the cat shows obvious sighs of indisposition show it to a vet.

10. Swellings, tumors, change of step (lameness). On the presence of swelling under the skin one should put all his affairs aside and consult a vet ot once. It's impossible to distingwish warts, cysts and abscesses and malignant tumors at first sight. Only a spesialist can do this. Swelling on belly are especially dangerous for 90 % of all tumors of breast are malignant.

Translated by Tatiana Karpova (Moscow)
(MSU, Biology faculture, Dep. zoology and ecology).