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Witch of diets is preferable?

"My two year-old cat is very active. All days long he plays in the garden. His diet used to include child's food, vegetables and some meat. Now we feed him with canned commercial food, and he noticeably put on weight. Witch of diets is preferable?

- Our congratulations to your switch onto special cat's food. Though some people use child's food to make a week cat eat, it doesn't appear to be a well-balanced food for cats. Rich in protein and calories it lacks minerals, and calcium in particular (you see, children get it from milk). Not long ago one took a cat with a broken leg fed with child's food in our clinic. X-ray photography has shown its' bones were as tin as a shit of paper.

If your cat puts on weight eating commercial food, reduce its' daily dose. And don't doubt that a commercial cat's food is much better than child's one.

Translated by Tatiana Karpova (Moscow)
(MSU, Biology faculture, Dep. zoology and ecology).