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Food And Allergy

Recently cases of allergy, or allergic reactions, which develop in an organism of cats and are exhibited basically on a skin, are not a scarcity. Frequently owners bring animals to the veterinarian, which suffer by baldness, or by restricted surface defects and areas of reddening or ulcers, what in most cases is accompanied by a strong itch, especially on the face, neck and occipital area. In such cases the speech usually goes about the development of so-called reactions "antigen - protective protein" on a skin.

How we can explain the appearance of the allergic reaction to food? It is necessary to distinguish between the simple intolerance of the last one, allergy, provoked by it, and diverse genesis, conditioned by the multiple factors. It is necessary to mark, that not only food as a whole, but also the definite protein bond can be harmful for the organism of a cat.

It concerns both animal, and vegetative protein. An example: the organism reacts on the appearance of a cow protein by an itch. Here is the available visible clinical diagnosis - an itch, which the animal immediately reacts on. The cat starts to scratch and later, maybe, you will see the wounds on a skin of your pet, especially on a head and nape. Such measure of protection as incessant licking can provoke the real loss of wool on the different areas of body (centers of baldness especially are appreciable in the area of a belly). It is not always simple to prove, that the allergic reaction is provoked by food, as the veterinarian is limited by capabilities available to the modern medicine.

The realization of therapy gives outcome not in each case. At the allergy to food the deleting of chains "antigen - protective protein", which are registered in a blood of an animal, is not enough. As a matter of fact it is possible to avoid allergens only with help of a removing diet. The applicable dietary measures are applied in therapy. You should feed an animal only by one type of protein at least 6-8 weeks. But it is not as simple as it seems to be.

Here are two problems: animal does not receive everything you would like to give to, and the majority of home cats usually regularly contact with the environment so, that it is not always possible to establish control over its nutrition. To achieve effect, you need precisely to check the nutrition of your pet. The allergy, as a whole, is incurable! However it is possible to contain a cat in a good health by deleting from the organism of a cat every harmful hormone.

The magazine "Friend"
On materials of the magazine " Our Cats "