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How to feed an old cat

The feed of growing old animal has its own features. The process of an aging of cats is natural and, unfortunately, irreversible. It is impossible to stop the changes of cell-like and biochemical structures, which are in charge of decrease of weight and activity of muscular, nervous and other tissues. But an exact nutrition, eligible for the "retirees", can help at this period of life. Most of all it concerns prevention of serious and dangerous diseases, though, doubtlessly, a harmonic feed prolongs life of our pets.

The features of the nutrition of growing old, but healthy cat, should promote the increasing of "quality" of its life. Till now, however, not enough attention was given to the needs of old cats.

For the cats, that have reached the old age, the changes both in external appearance and in behavior are watched. They have also physical changes - the same as for an old people. Depending on researches, the majority of veterinarians can say that the moto activity of cats in the age of 6-7 years notably is reduced. By this period are watched some predilection to adiposity and increase of weight. Though the obesity (for some reason more often) is characteristic for the cats of mean years.

Old cats frequently are choosier in nutrition. It is better to feed old animals by small portions of tasty and high-caloric food. A hyperthyroidism (increase of production of hormones of a thyroid gland) is the most widespread disease of "retirees". Despite of heightened appetite, the veterinarians frequently link it with the loss of weight. Such ill cats need in tasty high-caloric food. Try to help animal to avoid continuous periods of loss of appetite, especially if your pet is has predilection to obesity, as it can provoke the obesity of a liver.

Odontolith and paradontosis - two problems of growing old cats, which can provoke the loss of teeth. Only one thing can help: hygiene of a stomatic cavity during all life. To observe hygiene you can by trying to feed your cat by dry food. If a condition of teeth is badly, it is necessary to offer your pet the well-crushed or liquefactive nutrition. Always be sure that your pet has enough fresh water, it is indispensable first of all for those cats, which have any problems with thermal control and which are thirsty all the time.

Troubles with digestion for old cats - infrequent occasion for anxiety. By the age alterations in stomach and intestinal tract are not so important. By the means of some explorers, the majority of serious gastrointestinal diseases are provoked by strong constipations and delay of feces. Usually old animal are given the light food. If during digestion you see some changes, be sure that the nutrient materials, for example vitamins, does not exceed the an advisable dose.

Even nowadays we can't explain why cats have chronic diseases of kidneys. But as you know this diseases are rather frequent. Any predisposition to diseases by sexual tag is not found. Presumptively, the kidneys are influenced badly by a high dose of a protein, received with a diet, though any evidences of this do not exist. At renal insufficiency the stringent limitation in a protein is rotined, however it would be inappropriate to suffer this rule on all growing old cats, for which decreasing of quantity of food and decreasing of activity of the process of digestion can provoke the lack of protein. Such animals need to receive food with the dosed contents of a protein of high biological value. Besides it, the large role at illnesses of kidneys plays phosphorus and natrium. The guideline is the same: presence them in a ration in sufficient quantity for satisfaction of needs of animal.

The magazine "Friend"
On materials of the magazine "Our Cats "