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How many must eat the cat?

The need (requirement) of calories for each cat is strictly individual. It is always possible to define (determine), whether your animal receives sufficient quantity of food or not. If cat has brilliant, healthy wool, weight, normal for its (her) age and sex, good physical health and state of health, it means, that the cat receives sufficient quantity of food. If animal badly grows, frequently is sick, is interquartile, that the quantity of food is not enough.

If you feed a cat strictly on time, observe, that during each mealtime a cat has eaten enough. If after that the stomach of a cat is swelling, becoming solid or the vomiting begins; is quite interquartile: the animal has eaten too much. It means, that it is necessary to change the regime: to feed more often, but by small portions.

The food stays in the organs of digestion for 24-36 hours. It is very difficult to eliminate indigestion in home conditions; veterinarian should take care of it. Because of the fast growth (increase), of small sizes and of rather intensive metabolism the mild digestive disturbance or, on the contrary, the constipations can provoke the serious disease.

The feed of the adult animal.

It is necessary to the feed each cat strictly individually. Sociable, unruly animal spend more calories, than the quiet one; the cat subjected to the castration also needs more food, than usual. For the majority of cats the most reasonable version is the following: food at least two times per day. It is also possible to give your pet more freedom in their choice of the food. It is necessary to limit the free approach, if you note, that your cat overeats.

The organism of a cat, as well as the organism of the man, undergoes age changes. In a declining age the need (requirement) in food (meal, power) for cat should be covered by the quantity of food, indispensable for sustaining health and an active way of life. As a whole the old animal require smaller quantity of calories, than the young. Quantity of nutrition for old animal should be reduced to avoid redundant weight and obesity. The changes in an organism, provoked by an aging, can reduce the activity of an intestinal tract. To stabilize the activity of an intestinal tract can vitamin and mineral medicines.

Long-lived, recurring constipations, disease of heart, or kidneys, which are normal for an old animal, require (demand) a special diet. The veterinarian assigns this diet depending on particular circumstances and condition of health of animal.