Home / Cats / Feeding

Veterinary N.V.Loginov answers readers' questions

There was a note in November issue that it's prohibited to feed sterilized cats with fish. What we are to do, you see, out pussy eat nothing but fish? If we can't buy him some fish then it's a real trouble because our cat begins to starve. At that he stands firmly, declining every delicacy.
Ivashkov family, Cherkassy

Sometimes people bring adult cats to the theatre "Cat's House", and some of them five to six days can't eat because of change of place and stress. An adult cat is able to go without food for a week. So you shouldn't bother, and connive at your cat's wishes. Stop giving him fish and switch to boiled chicken. Then two or three times a week you can add boiled beef in a diet. If the fast food is available in your town then try to find something for your self-willed pussy, but not that containing fish.

Translated by Tatiana Karpova (Moscow)
(MSU, Biology faculture, Dep. zoology and ecology).